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Learn how to plan, pack, and whip up great drinks in the great outdoors.

Cabin trips, hikes, patio parties, camping adventures?however you enjoy the great outdoors, it should be fun and easy. And so should the drinks! Simplicity, though, doesn?t mean you?re limited to a bottle and a mixer. With Camp Cocktails, you?ll have a variety of options for simple and tasty drinks that are ready to go wherever you go.

Cool off after a hot day spent hiking through the woods with a Flask Boulevardier or the Northwoods Sidecar. Break in the campsite with a Grilled Orange Cobbler or the ultimate beer-based cocktail. Bundling up around the fire? Warm up with the Salted Nutella Hot Chocolate, the Penicillin Toddy, or a spiked hot apple cider.

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