Craft Warehouse

Rock Painting – How to Paint and Release Rocks for Outdoor Fun

Rock Painting has been a big trend in our area for the last few years. Has it hit your town? People all over the country are painting rocks and then leaving them around town, in parks, on trails, in public buildings, and on downtown streets. It's a fun and creative way [...]

2024-06-04T17:34:22-07:00June 15, 2022|Create - The Craft Warehouse Blog, Kids Crafts, Summer|

The Surprising Delight of Painting Rocks – An Interview

Sarah discovered Rock Painting in 2020 when she moved to a new town. She never expected to get obsessed with painting rocks. She'd done it before as a Camp Director and of course as a child. But, this time it was more than just painting rocks, there was community, mystery, adventure, [...]

2024-06-04T17:36:02-07:00May 24, 2021|Create - The Craft Warehouse Blog, Summer|

The Joy Rock Club – Why Painting Rocks is all you Need

There's something about rocks.  The weight of them, the availability of them, the way they fit in your hand - people just like them. Have some in your home and watch how many people pick them up. Painting rocks and leaving them for people to find or trading them at rock [...]

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