Craft Warehouse

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GOLDEN Virtual Event: Acrylic Grounds & Pastes
NOV 11, 11-12:30 PM (PST)
Instructor: Barbara De Pirro
Registration here at Eventbrite >

Discover the possibilities of Acrylic Grounds & Pastes!

This event focuses on Golden’s vast array of Acrylic Grounds & Pastes. Gain a broad understanding of each product and the unique qualities each offers. I’ll be sharing how they can be used to create both smooth & textured surfaces, the various ways they can be painted once dry or tinted with paint while wet. I’ll share which products offer a toothy surface for drawing and which offer an absorbent surface for water media. Then for a mixed media twist, I’ll share how they can be used to create layers within collage artworks. All of these products can be applied to a range of substrates such as paper, canvas, or wood panels. And so much more.

Instructor will share several samples, techniques and answer questions during the event. A class summary and images will be provided afterwards so that artists can continue their exploration independently.

Attendees (US/Canada) will have the opportunity to request free product samples (FYI shipped after the event). More details will be sent upon registration. The Zoom link will be emailed 2 days, 1 day prior and the day of the event.

This event is sponsored by Golden Artist Colors & co-hosted by Craft Warehouse in ID, OR & WA.

*Please note events are Pacific Daylight Time.

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